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The Moon's Brief Cameo: A Cloudy Observing Session on Blackheath: 17 March 2024

Writer's picture: Mike MeynellMike Meynell

In an act that balanced on the fine line between hope and audacity, we ventured into the unknown with our observing event at Blackheath on Sunday 17th March. Knowing full well that the skies had threatened to keep their stars to themselves, we pressed on, fuelled by the knowledge that the advancing clocks would soon make our nocturnal gatherings all the more challenging.

The evening, supported by volunteers Mike, Richard, Mark, Alec, and Matt, offered a mix of cloud cover and occasional clear spots that allowed for some lunar observations, but very little else.

The Moon provided a dramatic display, revealing itself through fleeting breaks in the clouds, and we managed to take some striking videos of its surface as clouds passed. Jupiter threw us a bone with a fleeting wave, and the International Space Station zoomed by at 7:30 pm, probably waving back at our determined faces.

The turn-out was on the lighter side, with the skies more keen on showcasing various shades of grey than our celestial targets. Yet, the few brave souls who joined us were treated not just to our attempts at piercing the veil above but also to some lively banter and possibly convincing reasons to dive deeper into the world of astronomy with us.

While the universe might have kept its secrets close this time, our spirits remained high and our sense of humour intact. The night was a gentle reminder that astronomy is not just about the sights we see but the company we keep and the laughs we share.

A huge thanks to our volunteers and attendees for making an evening of "not much observing" feel like a gathering of old friends. Here's to clearer skies and more laughs at our next event!

Lunar Image from early in the evening, when the skies were a little clearer!


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