On Thursday 11th May an Astronomy Sketching Workshop for Flamsteed members was held at Mycenae House in Blackheath.
The workshop was hosted by Mary McIntyre FRAS. Mary started the workshop by guiding us through how draw sketches of the Moon and it’s craters from photographs, using black paper, black and white pencils, pastels, and explained how to use subtle shading to achieve that all important 3D effect. I think we were all amazed at our results, considering a many of us hadn’t sketched for years! For the more ambitious, sketching the Moon was followed by sketching some deep sky objects, allowing us to further develop our latent artistic skills by using coloured pastels.
The results of our efforts can be seen in the collages below, kindly produced by Mary from photographs of our work taken during the evening.

We would like to thank Mary for hosting the workshop, providing all the materials needed and giving all who attended a very enjoyable evening. I’m sure that we will be holding another sketching workshop in the near future.